To use DataFlex Personal, we ask that you register with us as a user of the software. When you register, we will send you a unique serial number and registration code by email. Registering can be done during the installation of DataFlex Personal. If you did not do so during installation, you can register DataFlex Personal now. And, while you’re here, sign up for FlexLinks too!
Activation is an process that occurs when you launch DataFlex Personal and click the Get Activation Code button. Your click will initiate contact with the Data Access Worldwide activation server and return an Activation Code to you. Once received, enter the Activation Code into the form field where indicated. Activation requires Internet access.
Manual Activation
If you do not have Internet access on the computer on which you have installed DataFlex Personal, you can get an activation code manually.
If you do not register with us and activate DataFlex Personal, it will run as a time limited Evaluation license that will stop operating 60 days after installation. Registration and activation remove this time limit to create a perpetual (non-expiring) license.
DataFlex® Personal is only for private, personal, non-commercial use.
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